Big News!
Hello Everyone!
We are so happy to let you know that the Recreation Centre is open and hot lunch is being served every Tuesday and Thursday. If you would like hot lunch, please be at school no later than 10:30 so we can make sure to have enough lunch.
Did you know that summer school is happening this summer? Camrose Outreach teachers will be teaching summer school online. Students much preregister as soon as possible, so if there is a course you would like, make sure you go to our website, select Quick Links, Select Online Ordering and Payments, and log into your account. Then you will be able to access the form and select your course. Registrations are limited - first come, first served! If you have any problems, just speak with Mrs. Swanson.
We look forward to seeing you soon! Make sure you are wearing a mask, and please use the hand sanitizer on the way in!
Mrs. Swanson